
Chapter 5 Page 127
new query applications, tips about your organizer, and news
about Palm Computing platform compatible products. Use the
links on this site to visit hundreds of other sites related to products
for the Palm Computing platform.
The Palm.Net query application
The Palm.Net query application is a condensed version of the web
site. If you have a question about the service or your use of it, the
query application is the first place to go to find your answer.
To open the Palm.Net query application:
Tap the Palm.Net query application icon: .
You can do the following in the query application:
Check a summary of the current status of your account
Read Customer Support topics
Submit a question or comment to Customer Support
Improving signal strength
Radio signals can be blocked by many kinds of objects in the
environment. Trying to perform wireless transactions using a weak
signal requires more power from your batteries.
If you experience poor reception, often you can improve it simply by
moving five or ten feet in any direction away from the spot where
reception is poor. See “Wireless problems” in Appendix B for a list of
steps you can take to improve reception.
As you move around to improve reception, you can monitor the
increase or decrease in signal strength.