Chapter 5 Using Calendar
Beaming events
You can share your calendars with family or business associates by beaming events
and categories. For more information on beaming, see “Beaming data” in
Chapter 3.
To beam an event:
1. Tap the Menu icon .
2. Select Beam Event.
To beam a category of events:
1. Tap the Menu icon .
2. Select Beam Category.
3. The Beam Category dialog box opens.
4. Tap the Category pick list, and then select a category.
5. Tap the Beam events for pick list, and then select a date or date range.
You can select one of the date ranges in the list or create your own range by
selecting Date Range.
If you select Date Range, the Date Range dialog box opens; you can set a start
and end range using the Set Date dialog box.
6. Tap Beam.
To receive a beamed category of events:
■ Perform on of the following in the Receive Category dialog box:
– Tap Add to add a new category or add the events to the current category by
the same name.
– Tap Replace to delete the events in the current category and replace them
with the beamed events.
– Tap the Category pick list, and then select the category you want the events
added to. Then tap Add.
Viewing birthday events
If you have a birthday event set in Contacts, the event displays with the untimed
events. For more information about setting a birthday in Contacts, see “Creating a
contact” in Chapter 7.
To view a birthday event:
■ Tap the event listing.
The Birthday dialog box appears showing the settings.