User Guide

You have a new email or text
An error occurred during
You have more than one of the
conditions listed above.
Your phone is on. The bars display
the signal strength. The stronger
the signal, the more bars appear.
If you are outside a coverage
area, no bars appear.
Your phone is off.
You are outside your wireless
provider‘s coverage area and
roaming on another wireless
service provider’s network.
A voice call is in progress.
You are in an area that supports
1xRTT data services.
You are in an area that supports
EVDO data services.
A 1xRTT data call is in progress.
You can make calls, but you
cannot receive calls; any
incoming calls go to voicemail.
When you make a call, the data
transmission is automatically
An EVDO data call is in progress.
You can still make or receive calls.
When you make or receive a call,
the data transmission is
automatically interrupted.
Your phone is connected to a
1xRTT data network, but you are
not actively transmitting data. You
can still make or receive calls.
Your phone is connected to an
EVDO data network, but you are
not actively transmitting data. You
can still make or receive calls.
Your Palm
Treo™ 700wx
smartphone is connected to a
computer or network that is
providing a data connection.
A data connection is not available
or your phone is off.