User Guide

Index 419
signing onto Sprint PCS 351
troubleshooting 341
turning off images in 162
viewing offline 167
viewing status for 162
Web sites 110, 159
Web-based email 122
See also Internet connections
Week starts pick list 288
Week view 225
weights 249
Welcome screen 55
Wide Page Mode 161, 343
Windows operating systems
entering passwords and 304
installing applications from 256
removing applications and 259
requirements for 26
synchronizing with 34
transferring music from 206
wired headsets 82, 83
wireless connections 114
wireless coverage 17
wireless features 16
wireless headsets 82, 84
wireless modems 354
wireless synchronization 141
Word documents 242, 243
Word files 132, 133, 243
World Clock 246–247, 288
World Clock icon 246
World Wide Web. See Web
Wrap Search box 166
Year view 225
ZIP codes 115
zip files 256
zoom settings 187