User Guide

Index 387
caller ID pictures 91, 110, 186
caller ID preferences 89, 91
caller ID ringtones 91
calling cards 352
calling Sprint Customer Service 24, 351
calls. See phone calls
Camcorder applicaion 196
Camcorder application 188, 191
Camcorder icon 188
customizing 191
location of built-in 8
power consumption and 16
specifications for 378
taking pictures 186–188
Camera applicaion 196
Camera application 187, 191
Camera icon 187
Cancel button (Active Call) 68
Cancel Spkr button 67
Caps Lock 47
Card Info application 281
Card Info button 281
card readers 207
categories 221, 263, 290
Category command 290
Category pick list
applications 290
contacts 92
events 230, 232, 233
memos 240
tasks 235, 237
cautions iii, 9
Cc option (email) 130
CDs 208
Center button 44
Change Lock Code setting 300
bookmarks 168
color scheme 289
contact information 222
default settings 283
events 231
favorite buttons 81
information 26
passwords 24, 304
playlists 211
screen fonts 287
channel icon 214
accessing international 353
defining Quick Keys and 78
displaying alternate 48
displaying hexadecimal 249
entering alternate 48
entering from keyboard 47
maximum in notes 240
maximum in text messages 146
messages and invalid 147, 150
searching on 254