User Guide

Section 6B: Customizing Your Device 297
Locking Your Device and Information
Your Treo device includes several features that help protect your device
from inadvertent use and keep your information private. You can lock any of the
following features on your device:
Keyboard (Keyguard): You can use the Keyguard feature to disable the keyboard
and all buttons in case they are accidentally pressed in your bag or pocket.
Screen: You can disable the screens touch-sensitive feature during an active
call or call alert.
Phone (Phone Lock): You can use the Phone Lock features to set your phone to
require a password before a call is made. The built-in security software lets
you call emergency services even if your phone is locked.
Device: You can set your device to require a password for you to see any
information on the device.
Entries: You can mask or hide entries marked as private and set your device to
require a password for viewing them.
Locking Your Keyboard (Keyguard)
The Keyguard feature locks the keyboard so buttons aren’t accidentally pressed or
items on the screen aren’t activated while your device is in a pocket or bag.
By default, Keyguard turns on whenever the screen is off. Each time you wake up
the screen, you must turn off Keyguard to unlock the keyboard and use your