User Guide

Your Treo 680 comes with an easy-to-use,
built-in, VGA camera with 2x digital zoom
(camera version only). You can use the
camera to take and view pictures and
videos and send them to your friends and
family. To add a personal touch to your
Treo, use your pictures as your wallpaper
for the Main tab in the Phone application
and as caller ID images.
If your Treo 680 doesn’t have a built-in
camera, the sections in this chapter about
taking pictures and videos don’t apply to
you. But you can still receive and view
pictures and videos, send pictures and
videos to other people as email
attachments or multimedia messages
(MMS), and use pictures to personalize
your Treo 680 (such as wallpaper or picture
caller ID; see Assigning a caller ID photo
for details). You can also move pictures and
videos to a computer by synchronizing your
Treo 680 with your computer.
Taking a picture
You can store pictures on your Treo 680 or
on an expansion card.
1 Press Applications and select
Camera .
2 By default, the Camera application
stores pictures you take in the PAL M
folder on your expansion card (if a card
is inserted). Otherwise, Camera stores
pictures in the PALM album on your
Treo. To store a picture in a different
location, select one of the following:
<Album name>: Stores the picture in
the selected album. The storage
location is based on the location of the
album (Treo 680 or expansion card).
New Albums: Opens a dialog box
where you can enter an album name
and select the storage location
(Treo 680 or expansion card).