User Guide

Section 2B: Using Your Device’s Phone Features 67
Phone Features
Internal Phone Book
The internal phone book is located in the Contacts application. If you are familiar
with other Palm Powered™ devices, Contacts replaces the Address Book on
previous devices.
If you have several contacts to enter, it’s more efficient to use Palm® Desktop
software or Microsoft
Outlook on your computer and then synchronize
information between the Treo 650 and your computer. For more information, see
“Synchronizing Contacts and Other Information” on page 124.
Adding a Contact
1. Press Phone/Send .
2. Select the Contacts favorite button.
3. Select New Contact.
4. Use the 5-way navigator to move between
fields as you enter information. [Be sure to
correctly label your contact’s mobile number(s).
The Messaging application (see “Messaging” on
page 207) only looks up Mobile numbers and
email addresses.]
You can also open
from the
view. Go to
and select