Software manual Owner's manual

Chapter 4
The programming the AeGIS 9000 database can be done via a Modem or RS-232. The system consists of FIVE
DATABASES: Tenant (TNT), Access Code (ACD), Auto Unlock Schedule (ATS), Time Zone (TMZ) and Holidays (HLD).
Each Database has a unique extension. Tenant (*.TNT), Access Code (*.ACD), Auto Unlock Schedule (*.ATS), Time Zone
(*.TMZ) and Holiday (*.HLD). The software allows the user to save multiple file names under the same extension (i.e
Apt1.TNT, Apt2.TNT or Apt1.ACD, Apt2.ACD). This is very useful if you manage multiple AeGIS 9000 systems for multiple
facilities or or if you do not want to SEND the whole database (i.e. tenant database), you may create a new tenant database
and save it under a different file name and you only need to SEND the updated tenant database into the AeGIS 9000.
4.1.1 Creating a Tenant Database
A Tenant Database consists of the following: Tenant Directory (a unique non-duplicating two, three or four-digit code
assigned for each tenant for identification, as an example a tenant apartment number), Tenant Telephone Number and
Tenant Name. Set Function Code 28 at the AeGIS 9000 Series according to the number of directory digit program on
a tenant database (must be done at the Lobby Panel). You must follow the programming rules:
• Directory Numbers cannot be duplicated.
• Tenant Directory numbers of digits used on the Management Software must be match with the number of Directory
digit on the AeGIS 9000 System (Function Code 28).
• Tenant Telephone Numbers up to 11-digit or 4-digit for non subscriber system.
• Tenant Name must be 12 characters or less.
• The software does not need to be connected.
Step 1 Click on F
ile menu then select New File and select on Tenant Database as shown on figure 4.1, then the screen
shows as on figure 4.2.
Figure 4.1
Step 2 Enter a Tenant Directory (2, 3 or 4-digit) then press <Tab>
Step 3 Enter a Tenant Telephone Number (up to 11-digit) or the 4-digit relay number for non-subscriber system then
press <Tab>
Step 4 Enter a Tenant Name (up to 12-characters) then press <Enter>, the screen shows as on figure 3.3.
Step 5 Return to step 2 to program another tenant or click [Save As], the screen shows as on figure 4.4 ( your screen may
not be the identical). The file is saved under *.TNT extension.
Pach and Company Chapter 4 Page 7
AeGIS 9000 Series Management Software CREATING THE DATABASE 03/01/02