User manual

Payment protection
Tap "Tools - Payment protection". The system will automatically scan the current payment
environment to check whether the system has been updated with the latest security patches,
whether the current network connection is reliable, and whether any malicious apps exist. Make
sure you pay or manage your personal property in a secure payment environment.
Manage protected apps
To enable payment protection for a payment, banking, or finance app, go to "Payment
protection" and turn the switch for the app on. The system will prevent third-party apps from
detecting the app status to keep your payment process private and your personal property safe.
The Diagnostics tool functions as your phone's safety center to detect potential security risks
as well as software and hardware faults.
Start a diagnosis
• Tap "Diagnostics", select items, and tap "Run diagnostics".
• During the diagnosis, you can choose to skip some items.
When the diagnosis is complete, a diagnostic report will be generated on the current
functionality of the phone's hardware and software.