Use and Care Manual

We hope you enjoy your new plants!
How to Care for a Dark Star Elephant Ear
Alocasia ‘Dark Star
SELECT SITE for Optimal Soil, Water, Light, and Humidity Levels
Light Requirements: Prefers Dappled Sunlight (at least 6 hrs/day). - Indoors choose a place with
brightly lit, diffused light. Hot sun may scorch the delicate leaves. Too little sun may cause the
stalks to wilt downward.
When planted outdoors or grown indoors, this plant will grow much larger, possibly to 6 ft tall by
5 ft wide. Space 3 ft. away from other plants or structures. In optimal growing conditions, its
leaves can reach 5 ft. wide.
Not particular about soil type yet requires a soil that is lightly moist at all times. The soil should
never be allowed to dry out completely, and it should have good drainage so the plant isn’t
waterlogged. Drooping leaves coupled with crisping edges indicate too little water, while
overwatering will cause root rot, a fungal infection that will eventually kill the plant.
Thrives in warm tropical locations. Ideal temperature is 85 deg F, the plant will not tolerate frost.
Keep away from drafty or cold windows. Ensure that you bring an outdoor plant indoors when
temperatures fall below 70 deg F.
Growing outdoors year round is only ideal in USDA Plant Hardiness Zones: 9,10,11 ::: Grow
as an indoor houseplant in USDA Plant Hardiness Zones: 1-8
Abundant humidity is required, the leaves will quickly turn dry & crispy in environments that are
too dry. Adding a humidifier next to the plant will keep it happy indoors, or try placing it on a
pebble tray filled with water to increase humidity around the plant.
PLANT PREP: Open box upon arrival, remove packing materials to let the plant “breathe”. Remove tape
and newspaper. Water well. There are drainage holes in the bottom of the pot so do this outside where
the extra water will drain away.
HOLE PREP: Dig saucer shaped hole. The depth is determined by measuring the height of the roots
from root flare to bottom. The width is 2-3 times the root ball diameter. Using these calculations, the ideal
hole for the new bush will be approximately 10” tall by 24-30” wide.
PLANTING: Place plant in hole and adjust for aesthetics. Hold in place while adding more soil, until the
hole is completely filled. Push soil down until firm. Do not plant deeper than it has already been growing.
Water well immediately after planting. Mulch evenly to a depth of 2-3 inches being sure to stay at least 4”
away from its trunk.
For container planting: Be sure to choose a pot with drainage holes to prevent waterlogging the
soil. The plant prefers a well draining soil mix. Water frequently to keep the soil constantly
slightly moist.

Summary of content (2 pages)