
Table Of Contents
3. In the Data Selector, click the Database Emulation Configuration button to display the Database Connection
dialog box.
4. In the Database Connection dialog box, click Import.
5. In the Open dialog box, navigate to the folder containing the configuration file you want to import, select the con-
figuration file, and click Open.
6. If necessary, adjust the database emulation configuration options in the Database Connection dialog.
7. Click OK.
8. Click OK.
XML Emulation
XML data emulations allow you to capture data emanating from web databases, E-mail fulfillment, ecommerce, and general
XML database engines. In XML emulation, the data elements in markup language format are organized in a folder view with a
root node and sub-level nodes. Depending on the document configuration, a data page can be associated with a sublevel ele-
ment contained in an XML data file much in the way a data page can be associated with an individual record in a CSV emu-
lation. When you set-up an XML emulation, you define whether to separate the data by the root or the second level element.
Note that when XML data is merged with PlanetPress Design documents on a printer DOCTYPE and ENTITY tags are ignored.
Also note that characters referenced using the ϧ syntax are limited to values ranging from 000 (�) to 256
XML emulation options
l Root element (entire file): Select this option to associate all the data within the XML file with a single data page.
l Second Element: Select this option to associate each second level element within the data file with with a different
data pages.
PDF Emulation
PDF Emulations allow you to capture data from fully composed documents in a PDF format.
PDF Emulation slightly differs from other PlanetPress Suite emulations: with other emulations, data is read either one line at a
time or one character at a time, while PDF emulation processes the input data from the PDF file in such a fashion that every
PDF page becomes a full data page. Each PDF page is thus graphically represented in the PlanetPress Design Data Pane as one
data page.
Note that protected PDF and PDF of versions above 1.7 are not supported by PlanetPress Suite 7.
The PDFEmulation does not have any options - that is, there is nothing to set up when opening a PDFdata file. PlanetPress
Design simply reads each PDFfile as a unique data page.
User-Defined Emulation
In user-defined emulation, you use PlanetPress Talk commands to define how you want the document to treat the input data.
You use this emulation when the structure of your input data prevents you from using any of the other emulations. You must
ensure the emulation you create handles any variations in the data properly and under all circumstances.
In user-defined emulation, the document reads the data stream one line at a time. After it reads a line, it places all the char-
acters in that line in a string variable. You use PlanetPress Talk commands to specify how the document handles the contents
of this variable.
Note that when a user-defined emulation is used, whenever you request a data page that is passed the last data page, the last
data page will be displayed.
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