
Table Of Contents
l Selector: [masterpage] body
l Script: results.html('<div
The following script adds the box only to the Master Page called "Master Page 1".
l Selector: [masterpage="Master page 1"] body
l Script: results.html('<div
Sheet position selectors
In Print output, pages have a sheet position that depends on the options set in the "Sheet
Configuration dialog" on page1084 (e.g. the Duplex and Allow Content On options). Connect
gives each page - or rather, the "MediaBox" div element on that page - a class depending on
their sheet position:
l .frontside
l .backside (does not apply to simplex documents)
l .contentpage
l .nocontentpage
The MediaBox contains the Master Page objects and section backgrounds. This means that
these classes can only be used to format a Master Page and section background. They do not
let you change the formatting of elements residing in the main text flow (e.g. a <h1> element on
page 3).
Formatting Master Page objects depending on the sheet position
The following CSS rule sets the color of <h1> elements on a Master Page when that Master
Page is present on the front of a sheet.
.frontside h1 {
color: green;
The next style rule is a bit more specific: it colors <h1> elements on a Master Page when that
Master Page is applied to the front of a sheet in Section 1:
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