
Table Of Contents
l Has Data Selection Filter: Becomes Yes if the "Data filtering options" on
page1235 are set.
l Has Sorting: Becomes Yes if any "Sorting options" on page1239 are set.
l Has Grouping: Becomes Yes if grouping options are set in the"Grouping
options" on page1242.
l Page Count Splitting: Becomes Yes if page count splitting is used in
the"Grouping options" on page1242.
l Slip Sheets: Becomes Yes if a slip sheet is set in the"Grouping options" on
l Options: These options are checked, or not, depending on the selected preset chosen in
the Configuration name.
l Runtime Parameters: select "Runtime Parameter Options" below to store
information which can be used at runtime for comparisons against conditions within
Job Creation, or for use with external sorting programs.
l Use Grouping: Check to configure grouping of output into jobs, job segments or
document sets. See "Grouping options" on page1242.
l Apply filtering and sorting to record selection: Check to activate the "Data
filtering options" on page1235 (to filter out certain records) and "Sorting options" on
page1239 (to sort the remaining records) pages of the wizard.
l Include Metadata (only available for PDF output): Check to add meta data to the
output. This can be done at Job, Job Segment, Document, Document Set and Page
level. See "Meta Data options" on page1245.
l Override Finishing Options: Check to configure custom "Finishing options" on
page1237, such as binding.
l Next: Click to go to the next page of the Job Creation Wizard, "Data filtering options" on
l Finish: At any point during the wizard, click to save the current configurations, whatever
page you are on.
l Cancel: At any point during the wizard, click to exit the wizard without saving changes.
Runtime Parameter Options
This page appears as part of the Advanced Print Wizard and the "Job Creation Presets
Wizard" on page1230.
The Runtime Parameter Options page allows you to add runtime parameters to the Job.
Page 1232