
Table Of Contents
l Start number: The number to start from (from within the selected range).
l Match Number Range group: Allows selection of Start and Stop points for the
wrapping match number for a group.
For example, a range of 1-6, with a Start number of 2 would cause the matched
numbers to be as follows: 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 2, ...
The Match Number iterates per group and is used to identify missing groups
l Start: Start number
l Stop: Stop number
l Condition: Enter the condition which determines whether or not the OMR Mark will
be added to the document at print time.
For details on how to create a conditional, see the "How to Set Conditionals" on
page1314 page.
l OMRMarks Tab:
l #: OMR Mark number (display only).
l Type: Type of OMR Mark (display only).
l Value: OMR Mark Value. These can be selected and altered for Sequence, Match
and Parity marks, as described below.
Add: Add an OMRMark entry to the table.
Choices are between:
l On: This represents a mark that is always printed.
l Off: This represents a mark that is never printed; i.e. it pads the marks out with
an empty position.
l Group Start: This represents a mark that is printed on the first page of a
l Group End: This represents a mark that is printed on the last page of a group.
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