
Table Of Contents
Just like Standard Scripts, Post Pagination Scripts have a selector (see: "Selectors in
Connect" on page898). A selector selects parts of the content of a section and stores them in
the results object, so that they can be modified in the script (see "results" on page1448).
The second most important object in a Post Pagination Script, just like in a Control Script, is a
section (see "section" on page1454).
What to use a Post Pagination Script for
After all Print sections have been paginated, Post Pagination Scripts may search through the
rendered document and collect information about elements (for instance, which page they
reside on) and sections (for instance, whether they are enabled). With this information, a Post
Pagination Script can do two things:
l Modify the output. The script may modify the output of a section. It could, for example,
use information like page numbers to create a Table Of Contents (TOC), as explained in
the topic: "Creating a Table Of Contents" on the next page. If needed, a Post Pagination
Script can change the sheet configuration and re-paginate the section (see "paginate()"
on page1464.
l Add information to the Connect database. The script may add production information,
such as the page, size or position of elements after a merge, as custom properties to a
Print Content Item in the Connect database (see "contentitem" on page1444). Custom
properties can be utilized for further processing in a Workflow configuration with the
Retrieve Items task. The Retrieve Items task retrieves custom properties along with the
base record information (see Retrieve Items in Workflow's Online Help).
Adding a Post Pagination Script
To add a Post Pagination Script:
1. On the Scripts pane at the bottom left, click the black triangle on the New button and click
Post Pagination Script. The new script appears in the Post Pagination folder.
2. Double-click the new script to open it. The script editor appears.
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