
Table Of Contents
enter an empty JSON string: {}.
However, if the template should be merged with data, you will need to add one or more tasks to
provide the required data. The Create Email Content task must receive either Metadata
containing information regarding a valid Record Set, or JSON data. This can be the output of
tasks like:
l An Execute Data Mapping task which retrieves data from the job file (such as the
request XML). In addition to creating records in the Connect database, this task can
output the (IDs of the) records in the Metadata.
l A Retrieve Items task which retrieves an existing record set from the Connect database
and outputs it in the Metadata or as JSON data.
l A Create File task that creates a JSON file.
l Etc.
Which task or tasks fit best, depends on where the data come from.
The Create Email Content task can be found on the OL Connect tab of the Plug-In Bar in
For a description of all OL Connect tasks, see "OL Connect tasks" on page181.
Files used in a Connect email process
Before creating the Email process in the Workflow configuration tool, you will need to create:
l A template with an Email context. (See "Creating a template" on page449.)
l If the email should contain variable data, you might need to make a data mapping
configuration (see "Creating a new data mapping configuration" on page198). If the input
is going to be JSON data, you could add them to the design using a JSON file (see
"Adding JSON sample data" on page803).
Templates and data mapping configurations must be sent from the Designer to PlanetPress
Workflow before they can be used in the Workflow process; see "Sending files to Workflow" on
The next step is to create a process in PlanetPress Workflow that generates Email output,
using these files.
For more information about how to create a process in Workflow, please refer to the Online
Help of Workflow.
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