
Table Of Contents
Server Improvements
l Fixed some index out of bounds exceptions that were appearing in the logs from time to
time when engines are restarted. (SHARED-79522)
l When the "Enable server security" checkbox preference is changed and applied a dialog
now appears warning that a restart of the Server is required. (SHARED-80550)
l Server and Designer products that are set to use internal engines (not separate
processes) will now no longer terminate abruptly if the security preferences for web
socket authentication are not initialized in time. (SHARED-80973)
l The contentcreation/{templateId}/{dataSetId} REST endpoint now
accepts runtime parameters. (SHARED-79854)
l On successful authentication/login, the Authenticate/Login to Server REST API end-
points now return a "Token-Expires-In" response header with a value set to the expiry
duration of the authorization token in seconds. (SHARED-80138)
l The standard 'JSON Error' response from the Connect Server will now always return a
'Content-Type' header with a value of "application/json". (SHARED-78633)
l Deleting managed files from the filestore via the REST API now has improved error
handling to cater for files that are still required by OL Connect. (SHARED-79353)
l Submitting a "blank" password value when using basic authentication now returns a "401
Unauthorized" response rather than a "500 Internal Server Error" response. (SHARED-
l The basic authentication error "No account found for" will no longer be shown in the
server log when server security is disabled. (SHARED-80683)
l The basic authentication error "Bad credentials for: <username>" will no longer be shown
in the server log when server security is disabled. (SHARED-80685)
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