
Table Of Contents
A minimized panel displays only as its icon wherever it was docked, generally on the left or
right side, or the bottom.
To restore a minimized or maximized panel:
l Click the Restore button next to the panel's display icon.
The restored panel will return to its original docked location.
To temporarily display a minimized panel:
l Click the panel's display icon.
When another panel, menu or toolbar is clicked, the panel will be minimized again.
To maximize a panel:
l Click the Maximize button at the top-right corner of the panel.
A maximized panel takes the full available size for the panels. All other panels are minimized.
Outline pane
The Outline pane displays the current structure of the template, including all HTML tags present
in each page.
l The display is in a treeview, the root being the Page node.
l At the top of the pane, a Text Filter box appears. Enter text in this box to only show
elements which correspond to this inclusive filter. This can be class names, IDs, or
element types (div, table, etc).
l Under the Page node, all top-level page elements are displayed. Each element under
them is accessible by expanding (with the [+]) elements with children.
l Clicking on any element will select it in the Workspace, whether it displays the Source,
Design or Preview tab.
l Dragging an element inside the Outline pane re-orders it in the actual HTML. Elements
are executed top-to-bottom with lower elements appearing on top of previous elements
(unless a CSS Z-Index is used).
l Right-clicking an element displays a contextual menu offering the following option:
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