
Table Of Contents
You could use the resource() function to check the number of pages or for example
the page height and width before setting it as a background (see "resource()" on
This scripts sets a background on a Print section using absolute positioning.
var activeSection = merge.template.contexts.PRINT.sections['Section
activeSection.background.source = BackgroundResource.RESOURCE_PDF;
activeSection.background.url = "images/somepage.pdf";
activeSection.background.position = MediaPosition.ABSOLUTE;
activeSection.background.left = "10mm";
activeSection.background.top = "10mm";
You could replace the last three lines of the previous script by the following line to scale the
Print section background to Media size:
activeSection.background.position = MediaPosition.FIT_TO_MEDIA;
Dynamically adding sections (cloning)
This topic explains how to "clone" (copy) a section in a Control Script. Print sections can be
cloned, so that a document can have a dynamic number of sections, based on data. This is
particularly useful when the record set defines one or more PDFs (e.g. insurance policies) per
recipient. Via a Control Script, for each PDF a section can be cloned and each clone can be
given one of the PDFs as background (see "Control Script: Setting a Print section's
background" on page912). For each page in the PDF, a page will be added to the section.
For information about Control Scripts in general, see "Control Scripts" on page903 and
"Control Script API" on page1385. If you don't know how to write scripts, see "Writing your own
scripts" on page867.
Clones are only visible in the output, not on the Preview tab.
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