
Table Of Contents
HTML: table element and data- attributes
In HTML, a Dynamic Table is a normal <table> element with rows and cells (see "HTML
element: table" on page726). But apart from the native attributes of a table, rows and cells, it
has some proprietary data- attributes which make it dynamic.
These data- attributes are set automatically on a new table that is made with the Dynamic
Table Wizard that was introduced in version 2020.1.
They can be changed via the "Attributes pane" on page1049, depending on which element is
selected (see "Selecting an element" on page629), or directly in the template's HTML via the
"Source tab" on page1072.
Just like other attributes, data- attributes can be used as selector; see "Using scripts in
Dynamic Tables" on page900.
For a list of all data- attributes that can be used in a Dynamic Table, see "A Dynamic Table's
data- attributes" below.
A Dynamic Table's data- attributes
In HTML, a Dynamic Table is a normal <table> element with rows and cells (see "HTML
element: table" on page726). But apart from the native attributes of a table, rows and cells, it
has some proprietary data- attributes which make it dynamic.
These data- attributes are set automatically on a new table that is made with the Dynamic
Table Wizard that was introduced in version 2020.1.
They can be changed via the "Attributes pane" on page1049, depending on which element is
selected (see "Selecting an element" on page629), or directly in the template's HTML via the
"Source tab" on page1072.
Just like other attributes, data- attributes can be used as selector; see "Using scripts in
Dynamic Tables" on page900.
The table below lists the availabe data- attributes.
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