
Table Of Contents
The data field names of the row with the most fields will appear in the header (the
<thead> element) of the Dyamic Table. If more rows have that same number of
fields, the last one wins.
The Initial and Header Row buttons are disabled on the row that provides the titles
in the header.
4. Click Next and check Calculate Subtotals to enable the options for a (sub)total at the
end, and (in Print sections) in the footer and/or header. The options are:
l Field: Select the data field for which the subtotal must be calculated.
The wizard only allows to add subtotals for fields in the detail table itself, not
in any nested detail tables.
However, it is also possible to add subtotals after the table has been inserted
into the template, even for fields in nested detail tables. See "Adding
subtotals" on page822.
l Show subtotal lines before page break: Check this option to display the subtotal
in the footer of the table on each page (including at the end of the table).
l Show subtotal lines after page break: Check this option to display the subtotal of
the previous page in the header of the table on the next page.
If neither of the latter two options has been enabled, the subtotal for the selected field will
be put in the footer of the table and displayed only at the end of the table.
5. Click Next and select the desired table style. The top left option actually applies no
styling to the table. The style can be easily changed afterwards; see "Styling a Dynamic
Table" on page826.
6. Check the option Allow Resizing to make it possible to change the width of columns in
Design mode via drag-and-drop.
7. Check the option Hide when empty to make the table invisible when there are no data to
display in it.
Page 820