
Table Of Contents
2. Review the options presented, to ensure that the data will be interpreted correctly. The
options available depend on the type of data file (see below).
Excel (XLS/XLSX) file options
l First row contains field names: Check this option to use the first line of the Excel file as
headers. This option automatically names all extracted fields.
l Sheet: Only one sheet can be selected as the data source.
l Sort on: Select a field on which to sort the data, in ascending (A-Z) or descending
(Z-A) order. Note that sorting is always textual. Even if the selected column has
numbers, it will be sorted as a text.
CSV file options
l Encoding: The Designer can not infer from a CSV file what encoding it is in. The default
is right in the large majority of cases, but when it isn't, it can be very difficult to figure out
the correct encoding. Ask your source what the encoding of the file is.
l Field separator: Choose the character that separates the fields in the file.
l Comment delimiter: If there are comment lines in the file, type the character that starts a
comment line.
l Text Delimiter: Type the character that surrounds text fields in the file. Other delimiters
will not be interpreted within these text delimiters.
l Ignore unparsable lines: When checked, any line that does not correspond to the above
settings will be ignored.
l First row contains field names: Check this option to use the first line of the CSV as
headers. This option automatically names all extracted fields.
l Sort on: Select a field on which to sort the data, in ascending (A-Z) or descending
(Z-A) order. Note that sorting is always textual. Even if the selected column has
numbers, it will be sorted as a text.
MDB file options
l File: Include the full path to the file.
l Password: If the file isn't password protected, you can click Next without filling out this
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