
Table Of Contents
JSON file
l Destination: Defines what type of jump to make:
l Sibling element: Jumps the number of siblings (elements at the same level) defined
in the Move by option. Use a negative value to jump to the previous sibling, or a
positive value to go to the next sibling. If there are not enough siblings to make the
requested move, the cursor will not move.
l Element, from top of record: Jumps to the specified element. The JsonPath in the
Absolute JsonPath option starts from the root defined by $.
l Element from current position: Jumps to a child element starting from the current
position of the cursor. The JsonPath in the Relative JsonPath option defines where
to go. Going up to a parent element is not possible with a relative JsonPath.If a
JsonPath returns a collection of elements instead of a single element, then the
GoTo step moves to the position of the first element in the collection. Other elements
in the collection are ignored.
l Level Up/Down: Jumps up or down a number of element levels (up to a parent,
down to a child). The number of levels to change is defined in the Move by option.
Use a negative value to jump to a parent element, or a positive value to go to a child
Postprocessor step properties
The Postprocessor step does not run for every Source Record in the Data Sample. It runs once,
at the end of the Steps, after all records have been processed. For more information see
"Postprocessor step" on page265.
The properties described below become visible in the Step properties pane when the
Postprocessor step is selected in the Steps pane.
This subsection is collapsed by default in the interface, to give more screen space to other
important parts.
Name: The name of the step. This name will be displayed on top of the step's icon in the Steps
Comments: The text entered here will be displayed in the tooltip that appears when hovering
over the step in the Steps pane.
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