
Table Of Contents
l Options for setting the logging refresh speed have been added. (SHARED-60029)
Workflow Data Repository Manager improvements:
l Improved Data Repository Key Set editor. (SHARED-59137/60165)
l Improved speed when writing to a Data Repository. (SHARED-51564)
l Instead of throwing an error the lookup() function now returns NODATA when an invalid
group and/or key is passed. (SHARED-48508)
l Anew ConnectionString property was added to the Repository API to allow the
selection of a custom Data Repository. (SHARED-59335)
l The Repository API GetKeySets() function can now select all keys . (SHARED-47769)
General Workflow fixes and improvements:
l Special characters which may conflict when present in a URL (such as '@' or '/' ) can now
be used in the "Server Connection Settings" username and password. (SHARED-58820)
l Improved logging of RESTAPI calls to Connect. (SHARED-60241)
l Workflow can now use Connect Output Presets that use fonts for additional text (and also
for human readable text of barcodes), provided that each font used is installed on every
machine involved in the output creation. (SHARED-61903)
l Plugins that retrieve data using the region(...) command would sometimes fail
intermittently. These failures have now been fixed. (SHARED-61345)
l In Alambic-intensive Workflow configurations instances of ppalmbic.exe would
sometimes remain open even though they should have stopped. This has now been
fixed, and the ppalmbic.exe instances close as expected. (SHARED-59435)
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