
Table Of Contents
General Workflow Improvements
l Improved Workflow translations/localization. (SHARED-76783)
l The Fax Service plugin now works with PDF/VT files created by Connect as welll as
legacy PlanetPress Suite .PTK forms.(SHARED-67742)
l Script reference to "https://code.jquery.com/jquery-3.3.1.min.js" removed from NodeJS
Server login page to avoid problems on secured networks without internet access.
l The obsolete "Run from Desktop" option has been removed. (SHARED-79849)
l An option (unchecked by default) was added to the FTP Input plugin to grab empty files
found on the FTP server. (SHARED-76175)
l Fixed periodic NodeJS Server connection issue when using Active Directory
authentication. (SHARED-77265)
l Messenger Service now tries to identify issues with MS Access drivers that could
prevent the service from starting. (SHARED-78450)
l Improved the SOAP timeout settings, so any value is now accepted. (SHARED-78646)
l Fixed paths issue with Send Image to Printer plugin. (SHARED-78705)
l Pasting attributes of Secure Email Output would result in plugin configuration display to
forego the CRLF characters in the email body at configuration time, although it did not
alter the actual plugin output. This has been fixed. (SHARED-79627)
l Fixed issue with the SendGrid plugin not setting the cc and bcc fields. (SHARED-79684)
l NodeJS Server now correctly handles requests having a Content-Type of
application/json which also specify a charset encoding. (SHARED-79871)
l Improved NodeJS Server handling of custom response codes. (SHARED-79960)
l Invalid HTTP Response codes are now filtered and handled properly, returning
error 565 to the client.
l A NodeJS input with the "Loop through attachments" option selected that does not
receive an attached file now advises no file was found in the log and its output can
be properly processed by secondary input plugins.
l Once the connection to a server is established, Secure Email Output plugin no longer
waits indefinitely for a response and will instead raise an error after the timeout delay set
by in the plugin configuration. (SHARED-79987)
l Some plugins could not be selected as default input/output in the Workflow preferences.
This has been fixed. (SHARED-80014)
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