
Table Of Contents
output they might end up on a next page without any other visible content, which would still be
printed because lines and paragraphs must be treated as content, even when they are empty.
Hiding an empty Detail Table
The number of rows in a Detail Table is variable, as it depends on a detail table in the data.
You might want the Detail Table to be hidden when there are no data to display. There are two
ways to achieve that.
When creating a Detail Table, you can check the option Hide when empty. (See
"Creating a Detail Table" on page818.)
For an existing Detail Table you can check the option Hide when empty on the
Attributes pane.
HTML elements and attributes
In HTML, a Detail Table is just a normal <table> element with rows and cells (see "HTML
element: table" on page731). But apart from the native attributes of a table, row and cell
element, some data- attributes can be seen in detail tables:
l data-detail: The name of the detail table in the data, for example: data-
l data-repeat: The row will be repeated if it has this attribute: data-repeat="".
l data-showin: This attribute determines the visibility of the row in different situations, if
the table gets split over multiple pages:
l header will make the row show up at the top of the table on the first page only.
l footer will make the row show up in the footer of the table on the last page only.
l break used in a row in the <thead> section of a table indicates that the row should
not be displayed at the top of the table on the first page, but only on following pages.
Used on a row in the <tfoot> section, it indicates that the row should be displayed
before each page-break. This value may be combined with footer or header, for
example: data-showin="footer, break", to make the row show up on every
Note that these options can also be set via the user interface: right-click on the row and
select Row > Show; see "Adding a row to the header or footer of a Detail Table" on
Page 823