
Table Of Contents
General information
Connect consists of visible and invisible parts. The invisible parts process the Connect job to
provide the actual output. They are introduced to you in the topic: "Connect: a peek under the
hood" below.
For information about Connect logging, see "Log files" on page166.
For a list of all file types used in Connect, see: "Connect file types" on page168.
You can find additional information that complements the user manuals, such as error codes
and frequently asked questions about PlanetPress Connect, in the Knowledge base.
Connect: a peek under the hood
Connect consists of visible and invisible parts.
The visible parts are the tools that you use to create templates, data mapping configurations,
and Print Presets (the Designer/DataMapper), and to create Workflow configurations (the
Workflow configuration tool).
The invisible parts process the Connect job to provide the actual output. This topic introduces
you to those parts.
Here's a simplified, graphical representation of the architecture of PlanetPress Connect. The
components described below are all located in the 'Server' part.
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