
Table Of Contents
/ Move up / down: Click to move the currently selected row up or down within
the list.
Use external sort: Sort the records using some external sorting software. A CSV file is
exported, then sorted by the external application and the resultant sorted CSV file is
returned and integrated, with all the records now being sorted according to the new order
within the CSV file.
External Sort commands must return a non-zero error code if an error occurs.
An external sort command could easily fail part way through processing and
generate only a partial output file. Without receiving a return code from the external
sort process, PlanetPress Connect cannot know if the sort has successfully
completed or not. Thus the sort program must generate a return code, with a code of
zero ('0') indicating success, and all non-zero results indicating failure.
External Sort Settings group:
This section of the dialog is only activated if the Use external sort option has been
Command: Enter either the full path of the executable file that will sort the CSV file,
or a valid Windows command line instruction to sort the records.
Placeholders can be used within this command, and are available via the Insert
input/output file placeholder options (expressed as either ${input} or
${output}) or via Job Creation runtime Parameters (expressed as
${params.xxxx}, where the xxxx is the name of the runtime parameter).
The Windows command line instruction should do something like the following:
1. Do some processing of the input CSVfile which PlanetPress Connect will
pass through in the position of the ${input} placeholder.
2. Generate an output file that contains the sorted data and must be named
according the file name PlanetPress Connect will pass through in the position
of the ${output} placeholder
For example: cmd /C sort /R ${input} ${output}
This would reverse the order of the ${input} file, and sent the output to the
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