
Table Of Contents
Alternatively, open the Formatting dialog (see "Applying local formatting to an image" on
page671): select the image; on the menu, select Format > Image and on the Image tab, under
Text Wrap, set the Float property.
The float property could also be changed via a style sheet. This property isn't present in one of
the tab menus of the style rule editor directly, but you can add it and specify its value after
clicking the Advanced button in the style rule editor (see "Applying style rules to an image" on
Pulling an image out of the text flow
When dragged into a template, an image is automatically integrated in the text flow. This means
that it will move up or down, depending on the preceding text.
In a Print section, to position the image independently of the text flow, you can change its
position property to absolute. (For an explanation of all possible values for this property, see
When an image is placed inside a Box (or Div element), changing its position property to
absolute positions the image absolutely inside that Box.
Note that float, the property that can make an image float to the right or left (see "Wrapping text
around an image" on the previous page), is a relative positioning property, since it specifies the
position of the element relative to its container. This means it is incompatible with the
position:absolute property.
In the Formatting dialog (see "Applying local formatting to an image" on page671) the position
property can be found on the Image tab, under Positioning.
The position property isn't present in one of the tab menus of the style rule editor directly, but
you can add it after clicking the Advanced button in the style rule editor (see "Applying style
rules to an image" on page671).
When the position property of an element is set to absolute, the top or bottom and left or
right properties can be used to position the element inside its parent with exact values (pixels
(px), centimeters (cm), etc). Negative values are allowed.
In Web sections, the position property may sometimes be useful for images inside a Div
element, but generally elements should not be positioned absolutely. Designs for the Web should be
flexible so that they display nicely on a variety of devices and screen sizes.
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