
Table Of Contents
How to add or modify a hyperlink is described in a how-to; see How to dynamically insert a
hyperlink. This implies writing a script. For information about scripts, see "Writing your own
scripts" on page722.
Adding a personalized link
Personalized URLs (pURLs) are links that are tailor-made for a specific purpose, generally for
individual clients. Typically, a pURL in a Connect template takes the user to a personalized
landing page, for example, to download an invoice or get access to specific products or
services. For more information, see "Personalized URL" on page721.
Images are a powerful ingredient in all of your templates. This topic explains how to add and
use them. Currently the supported image formats are: BMP, PNG, GIF, JPG/JPEG, TIF/TIFF,
Ways to use images
In templates, both imported images and external images can be used (see "Adding images"
on the facing page and "Resources" on page387). Once added to the content of a template, an
image can be resized (see "Resizing an image" on page671) and alternate text can be linked
to it (see "Setting an alternate text" on page635).
Using images in an Email template? See "Using images in email campaigns: tips" on page439.
Dynamic images
Images can be switched dynamically, so that a letter, email or web page can include one image
or another, depending on a value in the data set. Read "Dynamic Images" on page715 to find
out how to add such switching images.
Background images
Several parts of templates, such as sections and media, and elements such as positioned
boxes, can have a background image. Right-click the element and click the Background tab to
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