
Table Of Contents
The Password element is a password field that accepts any alphanumerical characters. When
the user types in this field, characters are shown as asterisks only.
The Number element is a text field accepting only numbers.
The Date element is a text field accepting only dates in a valid format.
Text area
The Text area element is a text field accepting multiple paragraphs. You can set a number of
rows when adding the Text Area to the Form, and change it on the Attributes pane.
Hidden field
A hidden field can contain specific data used by the server-side script. It is not visible to the
user. When adding a Hidden Field you can set the value that will be sent on submit.
A Label element is a text displaying informative text within the form. Labels are non-interactive.
Note that this type of label is not tied to an input element. At the same time you add an input
element, you can add a label to that element; see "Adding elements to a Form" on page477.
To change a label after inserting the Form, simply click it and start typing.
A Checkbox element sends information to the server whether it is checked (true) or not (false).
When adding a Checkbox you can set its initial state and its value. The contents of the value
property do not appear in the user interface. If a Checkbox is in checked state when the form is
submitted, the name of the checkbox is sent along with its value.
If a Checkbox is not checked, no information is sent when the form is submitted. Fortunately,
there is a workaround to submit the status of an unchecked checkbox; see "Using Form
elements" on page477.
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