
Table Of Contents
To run the example simply select the Browse button and then select the data file you wish to
upload using the selection dialog box.
Next you can specify the following options to use with the upload of the data file:
l Named allow this file to be identified/referenced by its Managed File Name as well as
its Managed File ID
l Persistent make this file persistent in the file store
Only one Managed File in the file store can be associated with a specific name. If two
files are uploaded to the file store under the same name, then only the most recently
uploaded file will be associated with (or can be referenced using) that name.
Once the file and options are selected, simply select the Submit button to upload the file to the
server's file store and the resulting Managed File ID for the data file will be returned and
displayed to the Results area.
Firstly, we define an event handler that will run in response to the submission of the HTML form
via the selection of the Submit button.
When our event handler function is called, we then obtain a reference to the local data file
previously selected. This is achieved by getting the first value of the files attribute of the HTML
element with the ID of datafile (in this case a file type input HTML element) and storing it in a
variable file.
We also obtain boolean values for the Named and Persistent options (both checkbox type
input HTML elements) and store them in the named and persistent variables respectively.
Next we construct a jQuery AJAX request which will be sent to the File Store REST service.
We use an object called settings to hold the arguments for our request:
Method type and url arguments are specified as shown earlier, with the addition of a
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