
Table Of Contents
When the time is omitted, it defaults to 12:00:00 AM.
/* Convert the string 21-12-1997 into a valid JavaScript date */
var strDate = record.fields["date"];
var dateParts = strDate.split("-");
var date = new Date(dateParts[2], (dateParts[1] - 1), dateParts
JavaScript counts months from 0 to 11. January is 0. December is 11.
Another way to put a string in a Date is to use the Date.parse function; see
The date variable can be used as the value in the date, dateTime or time functions of the
var myDate = formatter.date(date, "MM/dd/yyyy");
Date and time patterns
Dates and times in a template originating from a date field in a record set can be displayed
using a custom pattern. You can type the pattern directly in the Format field in the Text Script
Wizard, lest the field type is set to Date in a Data Mapping Configuration and the field contains
a valid date; see "Using the Text Script Wizard" on page513 and "Formatting variable data" on
page516. In the Script Editor, the pattern can be passed to a date, dateTime or Time function of
the formatter; see "formatter" on page771.
The custom pattern may consist of pattern letters (see below), for example: "MM/dd/yyyy". The
components can be separated with a space or a symbol, e.g. ., /, -. Text must be put in quotes.
The repetition of pattern letters determines the exact presentation. For example, if the number of
pattern letters for a month is less than 3 (M or MM), the month is displayed as a number. If the
number of pattern letters is 3 (MMM), it will be displayed as text; if available, a short or
abbreviated form of the month's name will be used. If the number of pattern letters is 4 or more
(MMMM), the month's full name is displayed.
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