Owner's manual

304 NT5D33 and NT5D34 Lineside E1 Interface cards
Figure 74
Display History (D H) screen
As with all Display commands, the Pause command can be used to
display a full screen of the history report at a time, by entering DHP.
Clear Error
Reset the error counter to zero by entering the Clear Error (C E)
command. The error counter provides a convenient way to determine if the
E1 link is performing without errors since it can be cleared and examined
at any time.
The Test Carrier (T) command allows tests to be run on the LEI, the
E1 link, or the CPE device. The three tests are designed to provide the
capability to isolate faulty conditions in any of these three sources. See
Table 113 "MMI Tests" (page 305) for additional information on these
three test types. Enter the T command, and at the prompt, enter which of
these three tests is to be initiated. The prompt is similar to Figure 75 "Test
Carrier (T) screen" (page 304).
Figure 75
Test Carrier (T) screen
Tests can be performed once, for one through 98 minutes, or continuously
(selected by entering 99 minutes), until a Stop Test command is entered.
Tests continue for the duration specified even if a failure occurs, and
terminate at the end of the time period or when a Stop Test command
is issued. Only Stop Test stops a test with a duration selection of 99;
Nortel Communication Server 1000
Circuit Card Reference
NN43001-311 02.06 Standard
27 August 2008
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