User Manual
NORD STAGE Eighty Eight V1.1x 11. System functions: Extern menu
Page 63
Press the S
+ E
XTERN buttons to access the Extern menu, where you can find settings and functions
relating to the Extern section - see “The Extern section” on page 57.
You use the P
AGE -/+ buttons to navigate between the various menu items on the menu, and the VALUE
is used to change settings.
When you are done, press the E
button again to exit the Extern menu.
Note that most items on the Extern menu have separate entries for Panel A and B! Whatever Panel has
current edit focus when accessing these menu pages, “A” or “B”, is shown in the upper right corner of the
Display. The following items can be found on the Extern menu:
Send MIDI Ctrl You can perform a dump of all MIDI Controllers for
the selected Panel. See “Sending MIDI Controller
dumps” on page 68.
Panel A, Panel B
Dump Program
Here you can perform a MIDI SysEx dump of the cur-
rently selected Program or of all 126 Programs of the
internal memory (plus the Live buffers 1 & 2). See
“Sending Program dumps” on page 68.
One (Default), All
Dump Synth Sound
Here you can perform a separate MIDI SysEx dump
of just the Synth memory banks. You can select to
send a single sound category bank (Synth/Pad/Bass)
or all banks. See “Sending Synth Sound bank
dumps” on page 68.
Synth, Pad, Bass, All
Instrument SysEx ID Most instruments have a unique Instrument ID #. If
more than one of the same instruments are con-
nected in a MIDI network, this ensures that no instru-
ment will receive SysEx dumps not intended for it.
1-16, All (Default)
Function Description Range/Values
Extern MIDI
This sets the MIDI channel to transmit to the external instrument
from Panel B (make sure the external instrument is set to receive
on the same channel).
1-16 (14 is default
for Panel A 15 is
default for Panel B)
Extern MIDI CC
This decides which MIDI Controller number the Extern section
should send when MIDI CC is activated.
MIDI CC 0-119
(Default is 2)
Extern MIDI Vol-
The Extern section can send MIDI Volume messages (0-127),
allowing you to control the level of the external device.
Off (Default), 0-127
Extern MIDI
Prog Change
The Extern section can send MIDI Program Change messages
(0-127), allowing you to change programs on the external device.
Off (Default), 1-128
Extern MIDI
Prog Bank
This allows you to change MIDI Program Bank on the external
device. Note that there are many different variations between
instruments in how Banks are numbered and accessed via MIDI.
Nord Stage always transmits Bank messages as MIDI CC # 32.
Off (Default), 1-128
Extern MIDI CC
This will transmit values for the selected MIDI CC number. Off (Default), 1-127
Send On Load To avoid transmitting Program Change, Volume or MIDI CC mes-
sages when you load a Program in Nord Stage, make sure “Send
On Load” is set to “Off” on the Extern menu.
No (Default), Yes