User's Manual

Steering (Ch1)
Throttle (Ch2)
Shift (Ch3)
Brake End Point
On the driving screen,
the brake end point is
represented by the
length of the bar to
the left of the pointer
on the middle bar.
The greater the left
length of the bar, the
greater the brake end
point value.
The position of the
pointer on the bar
is affected by end
point settings
( throttle and
brake) and trim
Changing the brake end point value has the following visual effect on the driving screen bars.
Brake end point value is approximately the same as the throttle end
point value.
Increased brake end point value (more servo travel for BRAKI NG is
Decreased brake end point value (less servo travel for BRAKI NG is
The position of the pointer on the bar is affected by end point settings (throttle and
brake) and trim setting; increasing the brake end point value may visually appear to
have the same effect as decreasing the throttle end point value.