User Manual

Mineral Modes: If you are searchng on hgh mneralzed ground (extremely salty sol, wet
beach sand, wet plowed land or hghly magnetc ground condtons) you may not be able to
ground balance the devce. In such a case, frst turn the On/O knob to mneral 1. If the devce
s stll gettng nose, turn t to mneral 2 or mneral 3. Ths wll elmnate the nose and false
sgnals caused by mneralzaton. However, you may experence a decrease or fadng n the
sgnal obtaned from certan metals at maxmum depths.
As mentoned before, especally on grounds wth hgh ron content such as wet salt water
beach sand and wet plowed land, t s recommended that you search n mneral 2 or 3 mode,
brng the ron dscrmnaton to maxmum level and turn the ron swtch o.
Please note that sgnal audo boost should be used on a temporary or as-needed bass because t wll not only boost the
target sgnal audo but t wll also boost the loudness of ground nose and false sgnals. Therefore, t s recommended to keep
the swtch at poston 1 and turn t to poston 2 or 3 only when you want to verfy a weak metal sgnal and then turn t o
The sgnal audo boost swtch boosts the sound of weak sgnals receved from small or deep
metals makng t easer for you to detect those uncertan targets.
At poston 1, the booster s o. At 2, the sgnal audo wll be hgher and at 3, t wll be heard
at ts maxmum.
In general, when searchng n wet salt water beach sand, the most deal settngs are the maxmum level of the ron dscrmnaton,
ron swtch o and mneral 2 or 3 modes. You can also use these settngs when searchng n wet plowed land wth hgh ron eect.
2) It enables metals contanng ron to produce a low tone and to be dscrmnated more easly. Dscrmnaton starts at about
level 4 - 6. Below ths level, all metals ncludng ron wll produce a non-ferrous (hgh) tone and generally speakng the devce wll
perform at ts maxmum depth. In addton, ron swtch wll not be actve below ths level.
Mineral 1
Mineral 2
Mineral 3