Product Guide

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7368 ISAM ONT G-140W-H Product Guide Configure a G-140W-H indoor ONT
Issue: 01 3FE-48054-AAAA-TCZZA 133
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Procedure 38 Password configuration
A password must adhere to the password rules, which are as follows:
the password may consist of uppercase letters, lowercase letters, digital numbers, and
the following special characters ! # + , - / @ _ : = ]
the password length must be from 8 to 24 characters
the first character must be a digital number or a letter
the password must contain at least two types of characters: numbers, letters, or special
the same character must not appear more than 8 times in a row
When the password meets the password rules, the application displays the message “Your
password has been changed successfully”.
When the password does not meet the password rules, the application displays a message to
indicate which password rule has not been followed, for example:
the password is too short
the password is too long
Release 06.02.01 | September 2019 | Edition 01