User Manual

General Safety
SC4812ET Optimization/ATP Manual Software Release R16.1.x.x
Aug 2002
Use caution when exposing or
handling the CRT
Breakage of the Cathode-Ray Tube (CRT) causes a high-velocity
scattering of glass fragments (implosion). To prevent CRT implosion,
avoid rough handling or jarring of the equipment. The CRT should be
handled only by qualified maintenance personnel, using approved safety
mask and gloves.
Do not substitute parts or
modify equipment
Because of the danger of introducing additional hazards, do not install
substitute parts or perform any unauthorized modification of equipment.
Contact Motorola Warranty and Repair for service and repair to ensure
that safety features are maintained.
Dangerous procedure
Warnings, such as the example below, precede potentially dangerous
procedures throughout this manual. Instructions contained in the
warnings must be followed. You should also employ all other safety
precautions that you deem necessary for the operation of the equipment
in your operating environment.
Dangerous voltages, capable of causing death, are present in this
equipment. Use extreme caution when handling, testing, and