User Manual

Manual Cable Calibration continued
SC4812ET BTS Optimization/ATP CDMA LMF
Jan 2002
Table F-10: Procedure for Calibrating Test Cable Setup Using Advantest R3465
Step Action
Disconnect the power meter sensor from the R3561L RF OUT jack.
The Power Meter sensors lower limit is 30 dBm. Thus, only components having losses < 30 dB
should be measured using this method. For best accuracy, always rezero the power meter before
connecting the power sensor to the component being calibrated. Then, after connecting the
power sensor to the component, record the calibrated loss immediately.
17 Disconnect all components in the the test setup and calibrate each one separately. Connect each
component oneatatime between the RF OUT port and the power sensor (see Figure F-7, Setups
A, B, and C). Record the calibrated loss value displayed on the power meter for each connection.
Example: (A) 1st Test Cable = 0.5 dB
(B) 2nd Test Cable = 1.4 dB
(C) 20 dB Attenuator = 20.1 dB
(D) 30 dB Directional Coupler = 29.8 dB
18 Press the Output CRT menu key to toggle Output OFF.
19 Calculate the total test setup loss by adding up all the individual losses:
Example: Total test setup loss = 0.5 + 1.4 + 20.1 + 29.8 = 51.8 dB
This calculated value will be used in the next series of tests.
20 Press the FREQ key in the ENTRY area
21 Using the keypad entry keys, set the test frequency to the RX frequency
22 Repeat steps 9 through 19 for the RX frequency.
23 Refer to Chapter 3 for assistance in setting the cable loss values into the LMF.