User Manual

System Tests68P09255A57-2
Aug 2002
SC4812ET Optimization/ATP Manual Software Release R16.1.x.x
Table 3-26: GPS Initialization/Verification
Step Action
5 Enter the following command at the CSM> prompt to verify that the GPS receiver is in tracking mode.
- Observe the following typical response:
24:06:08 GPS Receiver Control Task State: tracking satellites.
24:06:08 Time since last valid fix: 0 seconds.
24:06:08 Recent Change Data:
24:06:08 Antenna cable delay 0 ns.
24:06:08 Initial position: lat 117650000 msec, lon -350258000 msec, height 0 cm (GPS)
24:06:08 Initial position accuracy (0): estimated.
24:06:08 GPS Receiver Status:
24:06:08 Position hold: lat 118245548 msec, lon -350249750 msec, height 20270 cm
24:06:08 Current position: lat 118245548 msec, lon -350249750 msec, height 20270 cm
24:06:08 8 satellites tracked, receiving 8 satellites, 8 satellites visible.
24:06:08 Current Dilution of Precision (PDOP or HDOP): 0.
24:06:08 Date & Time: 1998:01:13:21:36:11
24:06:08 GPS Receiver Status Byte: 0x08
24:06:08 Chan:0, SVID: 16, Mode: 8, RSSI: 148, Status: 0xa8
24:06:08 Chan:1, SVID: 29, Mode: 8, RSSI: 132, Status: 0xa8
24:06:08 Chan:2, SVID: 18, Mode: 8, RSSI: 121, Status: 0xa8
24:06:08 Chan:3, SVID: 14, Mode: 8, RSSI: 110, Status: 0xa8
24:06:08 Chan:4, SVID: 25, Mode: 8, RSSI: 83, Status: 0xa8
24:06:08 Chan:5, SVID: 3, Mode: 8, RSSI: 49, Status: 0xa8
24:06:08 Chan:6, SVID: 19, Mode: 8, RSSI: 115, Status: 0xa8
24:06:08 Chan:7, SVID: 22, Mode: 8, RSSI: 122, Status: 0xa8
24:06:08 GPS Receiver Identification:
24:06:08 COPYRIGHT 1991-1996 MOTOROLA INC.
24:06:08 SFTW P/N # 98-P36830P
24:06:08 SOFTWARE VER # 8
24:06:08 SOFTWARE REV # 8
24:06:08 SOFTWARE DATE 6 AUG 1996
24:06:08 MODEL # B3121P1115
24:06:08 HDWR P/N # _
24:06:08 SERIAL # SSG0217769
24:06:08 The receiver has 8 channels and is equipped with TRAIM.
6 Verify the following GPS information (shown above in underlined text):
- At least 4 satellites are tracked, and 4 satellites are visible.
- GPS Receiver Control Task State is tracking satellites. Do not continue until this occurs!
- Dilution of Precision indication is not more that 30.
Record the current position base site latitude, longitude, height and height reference (height reference
to Mean Sea Level (MSL) or GPS height (GPS). (GPS = 0 MSL = 1).
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