User Manual

Bay Level Offset Calibration continued
SC4812ET BTS Optimization/ATP CDMA LMF
Jan 2002
Table 3-44: All Cal/Audit Test
Step Action
1 Select the BBX(s) to be tested.
If STANDARD, CDF or CDFPILOT is selected for TEST PATTERN, then at least one MCC
must be also selected.
2 From the Tests menu, select All Cal/Audit.
3 Select the appropriate carrier(s) displayed in the Channels/Carrier pick list.
Press and hold the <Shift> or <Ctrl> key to select multiple items.
4 Type the appropriate channel number in the Carrier n Channels box.
5 Select Verify BLO or Singlesided BLO.
Singlesided BLO is only used when checking nonredundant transceivers.
6 From the Test Pattern pick list, select a test pattern.
Selecting Pilot (default) performs tests using a pilot signal only.
Selecting Standard performs tests using pilot, synch, paging and 6 traffic channels. This
requires an MCC to be selected.
Selecting CDFPilot performs tests using the CDF value for pilot gain and IS97 gain values for
all the other channels included in the Standard pattern setting (paging, synch, and six traffic).
Using this pattern setting requires the selection of both a BBX and at least one MCC.
Selecting CDF performs tests using pilot, synch, paging and 6 traffic channels, however, the
gain for the channel elements is specified in the CDF file.
7 Click on OK.
8 Follow the cable connection directions as they are displayed.
A status report window displays the test results.
9 Click on Save Results or Dismiss to close the status report window.