User Manual

CSM System Time GPS & LFR/HSO Verification continued
Jan 2002
SC4812ET BTS Optimization/ATP CDMA LMF
Table 3-27: LORANC Initialization/Verification
Step Action Note
1 At the CSM> prompt, enter lstatus <cr> to verify that the LFR is in tracking
mode. A typical response is:
CSM> lstatus <cr>
LFR St ti St t
LFR Station Status:
Clock coherence: 512 >
5930M 51/60 dB 0 S/N Flag:
5930X 52/64 dn 1 S/N Flag:
5990 47/55 dB 6 S/N Flag:
7980M 62/66 dB 10 S/N Fl
This must be greater
than 100 before LFR
becomes a valid source.
7980M 62/66 dB 10 S/N Flag:
7980W 65/69 dB 14 S/N Flag: . PLL Station . >
7980X 48/54 dB 4 S/N Flag:
7980Y 46/58 dB 8 S/N Flag:E
7980Z 60/67 dB 8 S/N Flag:
8290M 50/65 dB 0 S/N Flag
This shows the LFR is
locked to the selected
PLL station.
8290M 50/65 dB 0 S/N Flag:
8290W 73/79 dB 20 S/N Flag:
8290W 58/61 dB 6 S/N Flag:
8290W 58/61 dB 6 S/N Flag:
8970M 89/95 dB 29 S/N Flag:
8970W 62/66 dB 10 S/N Flag:
8970X 73/79 dB 22 S/N Flag:
8970X 73/79 dB 22 S/N Fl
8970Y 73/79 dB 19 S/N Flag:
8970Z 62/65 dB 10 S/N Flag:
9610M 62/65 dB 10 S/N Fl
9610M 62/65 dB 10 S/N Flag:
9610V 58/61 dB 8 S/N Flag:
9610W 47
49 dB 4S
N Fla
9610W 47/49 dB 4 S/N Flag:E
9610X 46/57 dB 5 S/N Flag:E
9610Y 48/54 dB 5 S/N Flag:E
9610Z 65/69 dB 12 S/N Flag
9610Z 65/69 dB 12 S/N Flag:
9940M 50/53 dB 1 S/N Flag:S
9940W 49/56 dB 4 S/N Flag:E
9940W 49/56 dB 4 S/N Flag:E
9940Y 46/50 dB10 S/N Flag:E
9960M 73/79 dB 22 S/N Flag:
9960W 51/60 dB 0 S/N Flag:
9960W 51/60 dB 0 S/N Fl
9960X 51/63 dB 1 S/N Flag:
9960Y 59/67 dB 8 S/N Flag:
9960Z 89/96 dB 29 S/N Fl
9960Z 89/96 dB 29 S/N Flag:
LFR Task State: lfr locked to station 7980W
LFR Recent Change Data:
Search List: 5930 5990 7980 8290 8970 9940 9610 9960 >
PLL GRI: 7980W
LFR Master, reset not needed, not the reference source.
This search list and PLL
data must match the
configuration for the
geographical location
of the cell site.
. . . continued on next page