User's Manual

Choose whether to rotate “tall” (portrait-orientation) pictures for
display during playback.
Note that because the camera itself is
already in the appropriate orientation during shooting, images
are not rotated automatically during image review.
Create a slide show of the pictures in the current playback folder
(0 281).
Hidden images (0 281) are not displayed.
To start the slide show, highlight Start
and press J.
The following operations
can be performed while the slide show is
in progress:
Rotate Tall
G button D playback menu
Option Description
Tall” (portrait-orientation) pictures are automatically rotated
for display in the camera monitor.
Pictures taken with Off
selected for Auto image rotation (0 373) will be displayed in
“wide” (landscape) orientation.
Tall” (portrait-orientation) pictures are displayed in “wide
(landscape) orientation.
Slide Show
G button D playback menu
Option Description
Start Start slide show.
Image type
Choose type of image displayed from Still images
and movies, Still images only, and Movies only.
Frame interval Choose how long each photo will be displayed.