Installation Guide

Step 1
All studs must be straight and true to avoid bulges or dips in the finished wall. Correct
any bowed studs prior to installation if necessary.
Step 2
All sheathing must be properly fastened to the framing according to building code
requirements and/or the sheathing manufacturer’s recommendations. NextStone
should be applied over a sheathing that provides a smooth, flat, solid, non-expansive,
stable surface. Consult local building codes for additional sheathing requirements.
Step 3
Sub wall assembly must be weather tight before applying NextStone™. NextStone™
accessories alone may not constitute a waterproof installation. Wall sheathing should be
weather-resistant, or covered with a weather-resistant barrier such as fanfold
insulation, housewrap, or building paper. Independent studies indicate that the
combination of a weather resistant barrier plus a house wrap results in improved
weather performance. Some building code jur isdictions are cur r ently r equiring
this protection. A weather-resistant covering should be properly fastened according to
the manufacturer’s instructions, and be smooth and even. Flashing and caulking should
be added as needed in such areas that transition from NextStone™ ledgers to other
siding products, windows, and doors to control moisture and protect the sub wall
Step 1
Secure or remove any loose siding material and replace any rotten wood. Scrape off
loose caulk and other build-up that may interfere with the NextStone™ installation.
Remove all items such as downspouts, light fixtures, vents. etc. in the area to be
Step 2
Install suitable sheathing, as needed, to provide a smooth, flat, and stable surface for the
installation of NextStone™ panels. See information in step 3 of the New Construction
section for additional instructions on sub wall protection and flashing.