Service Manual

Nedap Velos RealTime Heat detection service manual GB Manual version 1.6 / Page 19
7.2. Viewing eating monitor attentions (neck sensors only)
The eating monitor registers the changes in the eating behaviour of the individual animals
because the eating time of the past day is compared to the eating time of the previous days. An
eating monitor attention is based on the data from the past day and it is valid for 24 hours.
View animals with an eating monitor attention in the page My tasks > Eating monitor - Attentions.
The % shows how much percent the eating time has decreased.
Click on an animal number and then on the eating monitor graph to view the monitor details.
The last day is the current day. This graph increases during the day. It has a blue colour
because there are not enough data to be used as a reference. The average of the herd and the
group is shown to compare to.
Example of eating monitoring attention after calving
Example % > 15 % decreased eating time