Service Manual

Nedap Velos RealTime Heat detection service manual GB Manual version 1.6 / Page 8
5.4. Connecting the power
Connect the Process unit power supply (VP2002) plug to a main electricity source.
Figure 14. Connecting the power
5.5. Setting up the VPU network configuration
To set up the network configuration make sure the VPU is operational and
connected to the network. Take the VPU Setup CD and run it on the connected
PC to set the IP address correctly automatically. See Appendix H for more
information about this.
5.6. Setting up the VPU software
The VPU software is pre-installed. Start up the VPU program to adjust some general program
1. Click on the VPU program shortcut on the desktop to start the program on the VPU
controller. Enter the service password in the login page and press login. The default
service password is service and the default user password is 1234.
service password = service
2. Check the date (format) and time (zone) in the page Settings >System Date/time. The
VPU will restart after adjustment. Press Submit to save the changes.
From now on the antenna will function.
The responder number identified at the antenna and the signal strength at the detecting
location will now be shown in the page My tasks > Farm Unknown responders-realtime.