User Manual Chapter 6

6-10 Chapter 6: Configuring the DecisioNet System Environment
Log and Tally Manager Section
Parameter Default
SystemLogging Y
CheckAction Y
MaxTallies 50
TallyUpdateFrequency 10
TraceLevel 0
TraceFile dnltmanager.trc
EventsMax 10000
EventsNumberToRemove 1000
EventsDaysToRemove 30
HandleEmail Y
HandleAlarm Y
HandleConsole Y
HandleSystemTray Y
HandleExecProcess Y
HandlePager Y
HandleEslTag Y
HandleThirdParty N
HandleSnmpTrap N
ManualTagLinkID MANUAL
ManualTagLinkType 99
PagerTagLinkID PAGER
PagerTagLinkType 98
CBS Manager Section
Parameter Default
MaxWorkerThreads 20
MaxConnectionsPerCBS 10
TODUpdateFrequency 60
NumberCBSAttempts 3
NumberESLAttempts 5
BroadcastSends 5