Tus neeg siv phau ntawv

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Now the measured values (period, frequency, average value and peak-to-peak voltage) are automatically
displayed in the lower left corner of the screen.
Example 2: Measuring the gain of an amplifier
Set the probe attenuation to 10X in the menu and also to 10X with the switch on the probe. Connect CH1 of
the oscilloscope to the signal input of the circuit and CH2 to the output.
1. Press the Autoset button; the oscilloscope automatically makes the correct setting of the two channels.
2. Press the MEASURE button to display the MEASURE menu.
3. Press the Add button.
4. Press the Source menu selection button and select CH1 as the source.
5. Press the menu selection button Add and select the Pk-Pk function with the multi knob.
6. Press the Source menu selection button and select CH2.
7. Press the menu selection button Add and select the Pk-Pk function with the multi knob.
8. Read the peak-to-peak values of channel 1 and channel 2 in the displayed menu.
9. Calculate the amplifier gain with the following formulas.
Gain = output signal / input signal
Gain (dB) = 20Xlog (Gain)